Monday, December 03, 2007

Rainy Day Ideas?

I got to feel Baby really moving around a lot for the first time last night as I was lying on my back in bed. If Hubby had been home at the time, I think he would have been able to feel the kicks, too. My first prenatal appointment is tomorrow. One thing I like about midwives is that they don’t do much. I expect at the appointment tomorrow my midwife will answer any questions we have, give me a urine test stick so I can test myself and tell her if there’s anything abnormal, and let us listen to the baby’s heartbeat with a Doppler. And maybe do a quick internal exam, but I might try to get out of that.

I am desperately trying to think of things to do with 1-year-old indoors today. It is pouring down rain, and Hubby took the car to work, so we really can’t go anywhere. If anyone has any ideas, please comment and let me know. I will be very grateful for any tips.


dayz in and dayz out... said...

How about rolling a ball. He is just the right age to start. Have him sit across you with his little legs open, and gently roll the ball. Once he gets the hang of that you can gently toss it to him. He may be quite shocked the first time you throw it "at" him but then hold his arms together as you toss it in with a great big "HURRAY". He'll catch on. I could do this for hours!

Rebecca said...

I remember being on bedrest with Ds#2 when Dd#1 was about 16 months old. Definitely a challenging time for everyone! One of Dd's favorite games was "go-get-it". Really a high-tech game, but it kept her occupied for hours! I don't remember that she ever got tired of it.

Here's what we did: I gathered all the blocks from her "Form-Fitter" (any light-weight plastic blocks with a diameter of about 1 1/2 inches will work) and put them in a pile on the couch beside me (keep in mind, I couldn't get up to go get them myself. You really only need one or two blocks.) Then get your little one's attention and say Go-Get-It! Pop the block in your mouth, fill your cheeks with air and "POOF" the block as far across the room as you can. Sarah used to laugh hysterically, toddle after the block, toddle it back to me and say, "Do-a-gin!"

Other time passers (some obviously more labor-intensive than others, no pun intended): finger painting on the high chair tray with pudding, balloon toss, stacking Tupperware, reorganizing a bottom cupboard (a big help since I couldn't bend over that well when I was close to delivery), unloading the dishwasher (sorting silver ware into the silverware drawer is a great skill-builder!), pulling the laundry out of the dryer, folding wash cloths (I still have visions of Sarah putting 10 pair of Dh's underwear on her head while we were folding laundry together!), a splashy bath (with only a couple of inches of water in it)finger painting in the bathtub. They actually make bath tub fingerpaints now. I should have marketed the idea 15 years ago! And of course, dancing in the living room to Xavier Cugat (or something else upbeat and fun!).

Hope you're able to use a couple of ideas -- or that these might spark ideas of your own!


Melissa said...

Thanks for the suggestions! Rebecca, I did make up some pudding...1-year-old had such fun smearing it around! Good idea.